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Global Volcanism Program | Image GVP-09916

Erosional gullies in fresh tephra deposits across the northern slopes of Benbow, one of the tuff cones in the Ambrym summit caldera. The 12-km-wide caldera formed during a major Plinian eruption with dacitic pyroclastic flows about 1,900 years ago. Post-caldera eruptions, primarily from the Marum and Benbow cones, have partially filled the caldera floor and produced lava flows that ponded on the caldera floor or overflowed through gaps in the caldera rim. Copyrighted photo by Marco Fulle, 2000 (Stromboli On-Line, http://stromboli.net).

Erosional gullies in fresh tephra deposits across the northern slopes of Benbow, one of the tuff cones in the Ambrym summit caldera. The 12-km-wide caldera formed during a major Plinian eruption with dacitic pyroclastic flows about 1,900 years ago. Post-caldera eruptions, primarily from the Marum and Benbow cones, have partially filled the caldera floor and produced lava flows that ponded on the caldera floor or overflowed through gaps in the caldera rim.

Copyrighted photo by Marco Fulle, 2000 (Stromboli On-Line, http://stromboli.net).

Copyrighted image used with permission. All Rights Reserved. Contact photographer for any usage requests.

Keywords: erosion | deposit | tephra
