Global Volcanism Program | Image GVP-10352
Chasha crater contains the lake in the middle of this photo. It formed about 4,600 years ago and produced about 1 km3 of rhyolitic tephra (marker ash layer OPtr). It is located in the northern part of the Tolmachev Dol (Plateau) and is surrounded by Holocene basaltic scoria cones. The next lake to the left was dammed by the Chasha eruption products. The most distant water body to the left is Tolmacheva Lake; Tolmacheva river valley is between Chasha lake and distant cones at the right.
Copyrighted photo by Philip Kyle (Holocene Kamchataka volcanoes;
Copyrighted image used with permission. All Rights Reserved. Contact photographer for any usage requests.
Keywords: crater
Tolmachev Dol